7 Fahad Edward Portfolio Website

Hello, I am Fahad Edward

Game Developer

Picture of Fahad Edward Smiling

What I do

Development + Design

As a Unity Developer for a little bit over 4 years, I've been developing games and application on the Unity platform. The games and applications I've created and have been apart of range from PC to mobile (Android & IOS) applications. Developing PC and mobile games and applications is my strong suit as I have developed multiple applications in both. Scroll down below to check out some of the games and applications I've created!


I have been programming in many languages over the year, but using Unity I am very experienced with C# and consider it my best language to program in as I'm very comfortable with C#. Aside from C#, I have programmed in HTMl, CSS, Javascript, Java, C and have a clear understanding and experience in all those languages. I have always been very open to learning new languages and would be more excited to branch out and learn new appealing languages.

3D + 2D

Using Unity, I have developed multiple 3D and 2D applications. With 3D, I am proficient with both Maya and Blender as I've been using both for 3+ years now. I have been mostly 3D modelling and texturing in Maya and Blender but I am also able to 3D animate and rig and have had lots of experience with it. As for 2D, I'm able to create and animate 2D art as I have developed 15+ games for Adknown that can be seen below in the My 2D Work section.

Contact Me

Who I am

Designer & Developer from Toronto

After graduating from York University with Specialized Honours Digital Media in Game Development, I aspire to be a big Game Developer in the industry. After discovering Unity in 2018, I started to really enjoy creating games as Unity made it very possible and easy to create games.

As a professional and motivated Game Developer, I always want to grow and further develop my skills and create the best games I can possibly create. I believe working in a team is very important, as it's where i'll be able to utilize programming my skills. I am also able to work individually and be able to design on my own.

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me!


My 2D Work

Different Games developed for Adknown Inc

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My 3D Work

Different work selections

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